Hope Acupuncture
&Integrative Medicine
Stroke Rehabilitation
Pain Relief: Acupuncture can significantly reduce chronic pain, which is common in patients with disabilities and those recovering from strokes. It works by stimulating the nervous system and releasing endorphins, which help alleviate pain.
Improved Mobility: For stroke rehab patients, acupuncture can enhance motor function and mobility. Studies have shown that acupuncture can promote nerve regeneration and improve muscle strength, which can aid in the recovery of walking and other motor skills.
Reduction of Spasticity: Spasticity, or muscle stiffness, is a common issue in stroke survivors. Acupuncture can help reduce spasticity, leading to better muscle control and easier movement.
Enhanced Circulation: Improved blood flow from acupuncture can help heal tissues and reduce swelling, which is particularly beneficial for patients with limited mobility.
Mental and Emotional Well-being: Acupuncture can help reduce anxiety, depression, and stress, which are often experienced by patients with chronic conditions or those undergoing rehabilitation.
Support for Other Therapies: Acupuncture can complement physical therapy and other rehabilitation efforts by reducing pain and improving overall function, making other therapies.
Increase Muscle Strength
Reduce Muscle Spasm
Swallow Difficulty
Improve Mobility
Alleviating Oxidative Stress/ AFib
*Providing acupuncture treatment for disability patients, stroke rehab patients, and those with difficulty walking or requiring transport can be highly beneficial. Offering in-home, facility, or hospital visits ensures these patients receive the care they need without the added stress of travel. Here’s how acupuncture can support these patients: